New Year’s Resolutions for Happy Feet

Newsletter | January 03, 2021

We’re ready for you, 2022! The new year usually encourages us to get our New Year Resolutions started. New Year = New Beginnings! There’s no better time to put your best foot forward

Our New Year’s Resolutions for Happy Feet:

  • Learn more about your feet. Read some blogs online on how to take care of your feet. This includes proper hygiene, looking for signs of diseases, and tending to foot pain sooner, rather than later.
  • Stretch and massage your feet regularly, especially if you are on your feet all day. Yoga is a great way to see how your feet are doing in terms of balance, strength, and flexibility. Any pain during an activity like yoga will give you better insight as to any foot issues you may have.
  • Keep your body moving! Increase your step count. Begin a jogging/running routine. Get on that stationary or road bike. If you received a pedometer or activity tracker as a gift for the holidays, it is time to put it to use! Get your circulation going to reduce the risk of edema and increase blood flow to get necessary nutrients from the top of your head to the tips of your toes.
  • If you are beginning a new workout regime such as running or weightlifting, make sure you take the necessary precautions to keep your body safe from injury. Find the right shoes, always warm-up, dress appropriately for the weather, and set reasonable goals to keep you motivated! Consult a podiatrist or doctor if you have pain or other issues before you begin.
  • Wear shoes that are supportive and comfortable. Start listening to your body–function over fashion for long term foot and ankle health!
  • Hydrate and moisturise your feet, especially during cold weather.
  • Have foot pain or diseases that you can’t shake off? Make your annual appointment with your favourite podiatrist!

Following these foot care resolutions can help prevent foot pain from occurring. If you are experiencing chronic foot pain or any other issue with your feet or ankles, call us today at (03) 5893 4000 to schedule an appointment.